Contact UsAlzchem Trostberg GmbH
“We have been using inPoint CSE email archiving for some time now. Huge and busy mailboxes, as well as mails not being full-text indexed were our biggest challenges before. These problems caused us a lot of trouble.
For this reason, we decided to use H&S email archiving. Since we have been using this solution, we have been able to get effiecient and easier management of our mail traffic with smaller and structured mailboxes. Retrieving emails and documents is now possible with just a few clicks. The administrative effort in managing the mailboxes, backup and restore has been reduced considerably.
We are very happy that we decided to go this way!”

Logicheck Gmbh
“By opting for the digital inPoint file system from Heilig und Schubert Software AG, we were able to significantly optimise our business processes and document management. The partial automation of special processes and the reporting system not only enable a more efficient processing of claims, it also provides a previously unheard of transparency for all employees.”
Oliver Kanthak, Business Operations, LOGICHECK GmbH
Vienna International Airport
“Projects are implemented according to the agreed content, deadlines and the agreed budget. The professionalism as well as the readiness to implement and go live is at a high level.”
Roland Holzlechner, IC Commercial Application Services, Flughafen Wien AG